混凝劑對薄膜生物反應槽系統效率與降低阻塞之影響研究 (一年期計畫書) 嘉南藥理科技大學環境工程與科學系張家源本計畫符合國科會「環境工程學門重點規劃主題」項目 1.3 硝酸鹽控制技術之研究 2.2 廢污水處理程序整合之功能提昇技術 2.3 新穎技術研究及套裝設備之研製 2.5 都市污水下水道系統與化糞池功能技術提升 3.1 工業廢水再利用技術 3.4 生物積垢的研究 3.6 薄膜用於水回收技術之研究本實驗室在過去的3 年期計畫中,曾進行進行混凝程序與MBR 結合之複合式MBR 系統,利用線上膠凝(in-line flocculation)設計,研究化學性複合式MBR 系統對化糞池出流水(高氮低碳)再處理之可行性。研究結果顯示,在薄膜生物反應槽添加膠凝劑後,TCOD 與SCOD 的平均去除率有明顯的增加。在各階段的氨氮轉換率都在99 % 以上;硝酸鹽氮在添加混凝劑後去除率亦增加,膠凝-薄膜生物反應系統對總氮去除效果顯著,總氮平均去除率約為75.2%,最佳去除率為83%。為延續並深化線上膠凝-MBR(in-line flocculation MBR)之研究結果,另針對台灣高科技產業廢水高氮低碳與富含奈米顆粒之特性,筆者歸納提出以下4 大主題,進行研究: 1. 水力停留時間對線上膠凝-MBR之影響研究。 2. 混凝劑量對線上膠凝-MBR之影響研究。 3. 薄膜阻塞研究薄膜阻塞研究。 4. 線上膠凝-MBR系統處理高科技產業含奈米顆粒廢水之可行性研究。本計畫針對環工學門重點規劃主題,延續並擴展過去之研究經驗與成果,進行相關基礎學理之探討並建立技術方案之評估。研究成果擬發表於國際學術期刊及研討會,並期能為污水處理與高科技產業廢水處理技術尋求另一可供參考之替代方案。 Effect of coagulant on system performance and fouling reduction in membrane bioreactor system (One year proposal) Chia Nan University of Pharmacy and Science Department of Environmental Engineering and Science Chia-Yuan Chang This proposal is a one-year extended study based on the results obtained from a finished NSC project. In the past study, C-PAM was chosen as a flocculant to be used in the in-line flocculation MBR system. Comparative assessment of C-PAM at different dosages (non-dosed, 0.1 mg/l and 2 mg/l) was conducted. The system was operated at HRT of 6 hours and SRT of 20 days. It was found that the combination of in-line flocculation with MBR system in the study was able to decrease the fouling of the membrane in the case of long term operations. In addition, it was also found to improve the system performance. The results showed that TCOD, SCOD and total nitrogen (TN) removal efficiencies increased when the flocculant dosage increased. We concluded the results and found that a further study should be conducted for several issues to understand the in-line flocculation MBR system in detail. The schemes of this 3-year proposal are as follows: 1. to study the effect of hydraulic retention time on system performance. 2. to assess the effect of coagulant dosage on system performance. 3. to examine the membrane fouling through SEM, EDX and MFI based on different conditions of HRTs and coagulant dosages. 4. to evaluate the application feasibility of in-line flocculation MBR system on high-tech industrial wastewater containing nano-particle. Our intention is to add a more systematic collection of in-line flocculation MBR performance data for septic tank system to the existing literatures by performing a series of well-done experiment under various operating conditions. We also hope to develop an alternative for the improving of high-tech industrial wastewater treatment and water reuse in Taiwan.