中國近年來由社會主義經濟逐漸轉型至市場經濟,住宅改革亦在1988 年於中國城鎮全面展開,目的在於導入市場機制至以補貼為主之先前住宅系統,並將住宅產品之本質由福利品轉型為商品。中國家戶之權屬選擇情形在近年來有極大之變化,在此一住宅改革轉型期,家戶住宅權屬選擇影響因素亦與台灣有極大之同。本計畫為二年期計畫,在第一年,本計畫將運用靜態之二項羅吉特模型,主要將探討不同家庭結構對台灣與中國家戶住宅權屬選擇之影響,首先將樣本區分為『核心家庭』與『主幹家庭』並分別建構模型。此外,本計畫初步亦將把各個世代與城市地區之資料,分別建構模型並進行比較分析。由於靜態模型在方法應用與實證結果上有部分限制,因此在第二年,本計畫將應用分立母體危險模型,由動態之觀點探討家庭結構對購置住宅之影響效果,初步以最大子女之年齡階段進行家庭生命週期之劃分,並將此五個家庭生命週期階段以隨時間而改變之虛擬變數進行設定,藉以探討家庭生命週期與家戶首次購置住宅之關連性,以及核心家庭與主幹家庭影響因素之差異性。 As part of the transition from socialist economics to market mechanisms, housing reform in China was launched in 1998. It aims to introduce market mechanisms to subsidies housing system and transform housing from welfare goods to commodities. In this transitional period, the tenure choice behavior of China Households is different from Taiwanese. In this study, we propose a 2-year project attempting to explore the effect of family structure on tenure choice. In first year, we divided the respondents into two groups by family structure, including “nuclear family” and “stem family”. We apply binary logit model to construct “nuclear family” and “stem family” model respectively, and we would also analyze the difference between generations and cities. In second year, we apply split population hazard model to analyze the effect of family structure on housing tenure choice, and divide family life cycle into five stages according to the age of first-child and use time varying dummy variable to represent each life cycle stage.