對於日本政治研究,向來有官僚主導和族議員政治的爭論,然而起自1994年選舉制度改革和於2001年實施的中央省廳改革開啟了日本政治變革。雖然在小泉純一郎任期中,日本政治運作模式普偏被視為朝向「首相主導」或「官邸主導」。然而,在小泉之後的自民黨首相和2009年之後的民主黨省相,卻似乎並未表現出如小泉首相般的有力形象。而在細察之後,小泉首相的主導地位也在2005年眾議院大選後才確立。這些都顯示出「徒制度不足以自行」。本研究計畫「官邸主導的界限:制度改革與政經條件」即在探究制度變革中的行為者策略互動的因素,藉由比較個研究來發現制度何以產生或不產生效果的政經條件。 In the study of Japanese politics, the debate between the bureaucratic predomination and the zoku-predomination has a long history. However, the reform of electoral institution in 1994 and central administrative reform in 2001 have changed the landscape of Japanese politics. During the Koizumi administration, the characters of policy-making are said shifting to Prime Minister-predomination. But LDP’s Prime Ministers after Koizumi seem not strong as same as Koizumi. Even Koizumi himself, his predomination is established by the Overwhelming victory of the House of Representatives election in 2005. These indicate the institutional reforms are not enough to change the pattern of Japanese politics. The strategic interaction between players during the institutional transformative process could be presented as the intermediate variables that contribute conditionally to the effective or ineffective of institutions. This research wants to figure out and verify the above proposition.