個人健康紀錄(Personal Health Record,PHR)是電子健康紀錄(Electronic Health Record, EHR)發展上的重要應用,其不僅可用來保存個人完整的醫療照護資訊,主動維護個人的健康紀錄,並且可和健康照護提供者進行互動。有鑑於憂鬱症(Depressive Disorder)是二十一世紀三大疾病之ㄧ,且我國自殺人口中曾患憂鬱症之比例甚高。因此,本研究計劃發展一套憂鬱症 PHR 系統,並首次以「病患」之角度,加入「信任」與「醫病關係」構念,擴充科技接受模式在醫護資訊系統研究之適用性,同時也探討病患醫護系統使用對醫療照護成效之關係。本研究預定以兩年來進行,並與某公立療養院合作,期許本研究能對學術、國家政策以及實務應用上,做出具體的貢獻。 As the next stage for the further development of Electronic Health Record (RHR), Personal Health Record (PHR) plays an important role for improving quality of care and patient safety. Through the use of PHR, people can not only preserve and maintain their personal health record by themselves but also share their healthcare information with their care givers online. The Depressive Disorder has becoming one of three major diseases in the 21st century and it is the major reason causing suicidal problem in Taiwan. Accordingly, the purposes of this study are to develop a prototype regarding with the Depressive Disorder PHR system and to investigate factors affecting the acceptance of healthcare systems based on an extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) from the viewpoint of patients. This extended Model is based on the original Davis’s work and it is further supplement with the concepts of “trust” and “physician-patient relationship.” To provide a comprehensive understanding with the Depressive Disorder PHR system, this study will be carried out in two years and the system will be implemented and evaluated in a pubic regional mental hospital. It is highly expected that the implemented PHR system and the extended TAM model will provide concrete contributions for the further development of PHR with various perspectives of academic, government, and healthcare practices.