由於傳統的農業皆是在露天進行栽培,受到不定的氣候因子影響,使得農作物無法像工業製品般之產量、品質穩定,故農作物僅能以產品視之,而無法像工業製品般商品化。此外自二次大戰以來,農業生產方式趨向機械化及密集化,產量的確顯著地增加,卻也同時產生了環境之污染及破壞、生態破壞以及食物污染問題。所以目前政府也極力推廣農業轉型朝向有機農業發展期待提供消費者健康與安全農產品的生產方式。現今不論何種的農業生產方式,憑藉的都是農民的經驗與感覺,目前的溫室栽培亦是如此,往往都要農民親自去巡視、感覺生產環境後,再啟動相關之環控設備,但畢竟人力有限,且環境亦因時因地變化無窮。如果搭配環控設備之溫室,除了可防止惡劣氣候對作物之損害外,尚可針對溫室內部之環境加以控制,達到產期調整、產量及品質穩定之功能,使得農產品之生產具有工業化之雛型並可依據生產者的經驗,設定環境因子的控制值後,讓溫室環控設備週期式的循環運轉。隨著低功耗的無線感測器網路發展成熟,利用電腦具有運算處理速度快、記憶容量大之特點,結合控制器之環控溫室因而產生。利用無線感測器可以到處收集溫室中的溫濕度與土壤肥沃度的資料,透過圖控軟體人性化介面之展示,使農民即便於在家也能即時知道溫室內之環境狀態與設定控制,並且可以利用電腦中儲存之環境因子變化歷史記錄,與作物之生長優劣、產量資料相比較,以作為改進栽培技術之依據,最後可建立該作物之栽培資料庫,使農業由經驗式的生產進階到知識化的生產。 In traditional agricultural, the crops are harvested in the open environment with the uncertain impact of climate. Therefore, the crops are not stable to be commercialized products as industrial products. In addition, since World War II, agricultural production tends to mechanization and technology-intensive, the harvest is indeed a significant increase, but also resulted in environmental pollution and damage such as ecological damage and food pollution. Therefore, the government is strongly promoting the development of the agricultural transition towards organic agriculture and looking forward to providing consumers with health and safety of agricultural production. Nowadays, for most agricultural planting, the farmers still have to inspect the planting environment conditions and control the equipments by self knowledge and experience. If the greenhouse with environmental control equipment, it will prevent the crops damage by the uncertainty climate and reach a quality stability harvest. In addition, the greenhouse can also be tuned by the experienced farmer to repeat the well knowledge on the planting process. Integrate the low-power consumption of wireless sensor network, powerful storage computer server and embedded control of the equipment, the greenhouse will become intelligent and automatic. The wireless sensor network can be around to collect the temperature, humidity and soil fertility of the greenhouse. Through the graph user-friendly interface, the farmers even in the home can instantly know the state inside the greenhouse and remote control it. Via the planting database, it will be a parameter reference for the farmer to improve the cultivation techniques. So that to promote the agriculture production from the empirical manipulation to the advanced knowledge processing.