數位電視的開播與傳播技術的進步,越來越多使用者利用行動裝置結合3G串流或數位視訊廣播(Digital Video Broadcasting, DVB)等傳輸方式,便可以擺脫空間的限制,隨時隨地收播數位電視節目,顛覆過去人們收看傳統電視的習慣。雖然現今硬體平台環境逐漸發展可適用於多元化功能的開發,但是對於應用軟體的開發仍隨著不同平台與不同應用而需重新撰寫,如此開發設計不僅造成系統軟體程式缺乏其互通性亦加長產品開發時程,浪費整體開發資源。隨著Google公開Android系統的原始碼後,讓眾多手持裝置廠商或自由軟體社團得以深入研究並擴展其功能,並且藉由Android作業系統所具備豐富的軟體堆疊,將其快速導入至不同的硬體平台,進而降低開發過程中的成本。然而在多媒體影音部份,目前Android系統內建的OpenCORE多媒體僅支援MPEG-4、H.264、MP3、AAC、AMR等多媒體格式,對於行動數位電視尚未提供相關服務。本文將Android系統移植到硬體平台上執行,並且針對DVB-T數位電視訊號格式,設計一套可運行於OpenCORE多媒體框架的數位電視收播元件,使其能夠實現行動數位電視的功能。 As the technologies of digital TV get more advanced, more and more users now can enjoy 3G streaming service or DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting) on their mobile devices without the constraints of limited space. Thus they can watch digital TV channels anytime and anywhere, which changes the way people watch traditional TV. Although hardware platforms are capable of many developments in various aspects, most developments of software still need to rewrite according to their hardware platforms. In this way, the process not only makes software lack of portability but also spends more time, which wastes the precious resources. With the release of the source codes of Android OS by Google, many manufactures and software communities get the chances to do deeper research in this OS. Moreover, they can develop on many platforms with Android’s rich software stacks and reduce their cost during the development process. However, when it comes to the part of multimedia, current supported formats in Android are MPEG-4, H.264, MP3, AAC, AMR and other multimedia formats, but there is still no mobile digital TV service available. We port Android to this platform and design a DTV receiving component for DVB-T format on OpenCORE multimedia framework and implement it according to our design.