本研究計畫承續前階段研究計畫「從空間認知觀點探討都市公園使用行為之研究」(目前正進行中之九十八年度國科會專案NSC 98-2410-H-041-006),利用結構方程模式所建立之都市公園使用行為之影響關係模型。本年度之研究計畫即以此模型為基礎,引入複雜科學中之行為者基礎模型(Agent-Based Models,ABMS),並以NetLogo 作為模擬軟體,將模型分析結果代入NetLogo 模型參數中以建構都市公園使用行為模型,藉以模擬都市公園於不同情境時之遊客使用行為,模擬結果可作為相關研究及規劃之基礎。本研究將以台南市為例進行實證研究。 This study utilizes the relational model constructed by structural equation model in the previous research project “A Study on Use Behaviors in Urban Parks: from the Perspective of Spatial Cognition” (currently in progress as National Science Council 2009 Project, NSC 98-2410-H-041-006) to elaborate on the use behavior in urban parks. Based on the relational model, this study introduces Agent-Based Models (ABMS) in Complexity Science, and uses NetLogo as the simulating software. The result of the ABMS analysis is computed as the parameter in NetLogo model to construct the use behavior model in urban parks, so as to simulate the visitors’ behavior in urban parks in different situations. This study will conduct empirical analysis with parks in Tainan City, in the hope thatthe simulation result could be used as reference for further research and planning.