空氣中如存在大量負離子可令空氣環境的更為潔淨,醫療上亦有利用負離子的輔助使用案例。溫泉水具備高溫、特有微量的礦物成份與還原特性,是否有利於負離子的產生在溫泉的應用上值得探討,因此本研究主要於不同的溫泉泉質與環境參數之下,觀察負離子的產生情況。實驗中以自來水、去離子水及溫泉水進行測試,並控制空間溫度、濕度、蒸散溫度、蒸散時間與水量,不同的泉質與環境參數包含導電度、溶解性固體物、氧化還原電位、酸鹼值、光源與礦石添加,進而瞭解溫泉泉質與環境條件與負離子產生的關係。 Many studies indicated the negative ions existence in the air make the environment to be cleaner, it also has the cases of air negative ions for the medical therapy. For the future application, because of the hot-spring with some special properties such as: high temperature, trace natural chemical element and lower ORP value than the surface water, it is deserved to investigate the air negative ions production from hot-spring. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of Hot-spring quality and environment parameters on air negative ions production. Deion water, drinking water and different kind of Hot-springs include Carbonate, Sulfate and Chloride spring were adapted for the experiments. Some environment parameters such as light irradiation and mineral addition were controlled in this study. And the water temperature, moisture, pH, ORP, TDS and conductivity were measured to analysis the relationship between Hot-spring quality, environment parameters and air negative ions.