本文之目的為利用非熱電漿之放電系統來處理青黴菌生物氣膠,以探討及評估放電技術運用於室內空氣品質改善及提升生物安全之可行性。本研究針對電漿功率、頻率、相對溼度及停留時間等變因來探討非熱介電質放電電漿系統對生物氣膠殺菌效果。研究結果發現非熱電漿系統對於生物氣膠具有殺菌效果,殺菌效果隨生物氣膠在電漿反應系統停留時間增加而增加;相對濕度對愈高,殺菌效果愈好。另外,電漿殺菌效率皆隨電漿功率增加而增加,且在高電壓低頻率比低電壓高頻率下之殺菌效果好。在放電頻率為60Hz、反應停留時間1.5秒、功率10W及相對溼度70%下,為非熱DBD電漿系統之最佳殺菌條件。本研究顯示非熱電漿放電系統具有高殺菌能力,未來若能加以評估試驗,將可運用於室內空調系統改善室內空氣品質及做為生物恐怖攻擊之危機處理技術,以提升生物安全及降低生物危害。 The purposes of this study were to explore the sterilization efficacy on indoor Penicillium citrinum bioaerosols by using non-thermal discharge system and to assess the feasibility of applying plasma system on indoor air quality improvement and enhance biosafety. Various input plasma powers, frequencies, relative humidities, and retention times were selected to explore the sterilization effects on bioaerosols using non-thermal dielectric barrier discharge plasma system in this research. The results indicated that Penicillium citrinum bioaerosols can be sterilize by plasma. The sterilization efficiency for Penicillium citrinum bioaerosols increased with increasing retention times in plasma reactor, relative humidity, and input power. The sterilization efficacy of Penicillium citrinum bioaerosols at high voltage and low frequency was better than those at low voltage and high frequency. The best operation conditions of the non-thermal discharge plasma system to sterilize bioaerosols were frequency with 60Hz, retention time with 1.5 seconds, input power with 10W and relative humidity with 70% in this study. This research has been proved that non-thermal discharge plasma system has highly ability to sterilize bioaerosols. Non-thermal plasma is a potentially method which can be applied on air-conditioning system to improve indoor air quality and reduce bio-hazard to people during terrorist attact in the future.