Taiwan hot spring has been utilized more than hundred years. We compared the differences in the mean values of skin conductance by ARDK between customers who attended LOHAS program, which was designed the footpath go hiking only, hydrotherapy only or both, by themselves freedom. In LOHAS customers program, a negative improving scores of the hiking with hydrotherapy program have shown the better effects to regulate total energy (p<O.02), auto nomic ne rve system (p<O.OO), musculoskeletal system (p<O.OI), digestive function (p <O.OO), respiration system (p<O.OI), urological function (p<0.02) than go hiking only. We conclude a hiking with hydrotherapy program may be a key factor to reserve body sys temic energy and show a magic effect to improve the health.
International Thermalism/Scientific Congress of the World Federation of Hydrotherapy and Climatotherapy (FEMTEC) at Yokohama, Japan,起迄日:2009/11/8~2009/11/12,地點:橫濱