當今網路廣告市場蓬勃發展,各式各樣網路廣告試圖吸引消費者點選連結,獲得更多商品或服務資訊,以創造商機。最主要的網路廣告類型可分為橫幅廣告、電子郵件廣告以及近年來愈來愈熱門的關鍵字廣告。本研究參考Brackett & Carr 所提出的廣告態度模型,運用其四大認知屬性(資訊性、娛樂性、干擾性、可信性)來比較一般的消費者或使用者,對不同網路廣告類型之間是否存在認知偏好上的差異。研究結果顯示:網路廣告、橫幅廣告以及電子郵件廣告,在一般使用者心中的認知在統計上有顯著差異。然而,網路習性並不會影響使用者對網路廣告的偏好。 The market of internet advertisement has grown up very quickly recently. As long as users surf the internet, various kinds of internet ads will show up to attract consumers and try to make them get more information as well as purchase goods or service in the internet. Generally speaking, the main internet ads can be divided into three types: banner, electronic DM (eDM) and keyword ad. This research refers to
Brackett & Carr’s advertisement attitude model and uses the cognitive factors (informative, entertainment, irritation, credibility) to compare users’ preference among different internet ads. Otherwise, the network of habits in search engine and e-mail doesn’t influence the ad in website.