休閒運動用品在日常生活中扮演著極為重要的角色,本研究以運動鞋為例探討到底應具備什麼樣屬性或功能的運動鞋才能在市場上脫穎而出,獲得消費者青睞。本研究以台南、高雄地區年輕族群為研究對象,共135 份有效樣本,使用聯合分析法探討消費者對於運動鞋產品屬性的重視程度。研究發現以全體受測者對運動鞋屬性的偏好來看,球鞋的款式、價格、舒適透氣性分別為前三名消費者選購依據,若將購買族群分為「款式注重群」、「價格與舒適重視群」、「款式與品牌注重群」,則消費者對於價格、款式與舒適透氣度三項仍是選擇運動鞋的購買依據。職是之故,本研究結果提供運動鞋用品的相關從業者,在設計鞋款同時應考量消費者對鞋款的偏好設計,並可以針對不同動機的消費者採取不同行銷策略,以增加消費者購買意願。 The choice of the sneaker products has thousand kinds on the market,but have what kind of terms, can let sneakers outshone others on the current market, would be the main research purpose of this research. This research uses the conjoint analysis to investigate the importance of sneaker product attributes, and 135 usable questionnaires from Tainan and Kaohsiung were collected。
The major findings of this research are the five most important sneaker attributes to all sampled in an ascending order are: style, price, comfort and breathability, brand , shock absorption fabrication materials. According to conjoint analysus we establish three segments which are “emphasizing the style segment”、”emphasizing the price and comfort segment”
and ”emphasizing the style and brand segment”. We discover for those customers who buy sneakers for fashion and dressing, they only concern the style and price of a sneaker. The importance of style and price are respectively 71.76% and 28.24%。And for those who buy sneakers for exercise, they concern almost every attribute of a sneaker. The result of research can support sneaker designer in the marketing strategy.