處方型態的合理性與否,常是臨床醫療重要議題之一。過去研究多藉由管理層面討論影響醫師開立處方的因素,少有以藥師角度討論相關因素之影響,抗精神病藥物處方尤其少見。而第二代抗精神病藥物clozapine 在藥理學上的特異性,使得此藥物在臨床選擇上與其他抗精神病藥物有所差異。若能藉由clozapine 瞭解處方模式形成的原因,讓藥師於處方評估更可以客觀合理的角度提出建議,對於病患用藥照護更可發揮藥師的功能角色。
本研究利用醫院醫療資訊系統,建立2005 年至2009 年南部某精神專科教學醫院之精神分裂症住院患者包括病患基本資料、clozapine 使用情況及合併其他抗精神病藥物的使用情況等,以建立醫師對抗精神病藥物clozapine 處方模式形成之描述性資料。比較所建立之描述性資料,探討影響醫師抗精神病藥物clozapine 處方型態之因素。更進一步了解處方形成過程的合理性,建立未來藥師於臨床建議上的參考模式。
透過本篇研究可發現目前clozapine使用情形,以及不同處方型態,如單一用藥及多重用藥,兩者之形成差異;包含性別、年齡、住院天數及藥物使用時間等因素之影響,並以此使用情形討論影響醫師抗精神病藥物處方型態之因素,瞭解醫師開立處方的選擇原因,在適當時機使用藥物,以達處方之合理性。 The rationality of prescribing patterns, is often an important issue in clinical medicine therapy. Many past studies were discussed the effect factors of prescribing patterns in management level of prescribing physicians. However in terms of relevant factors of the issue was
rarely discussed in pharmacists. Clozapine is the second generation antipsychotic. It has the pharmacological specificity and was made the choice of the drug in clinical therapy different from other antipsychotics.To understand the reason of the formation of clozapine prescribing patterns, it can be useful to help pharmacists to make more objective and reasonable assessment in the angle of recommendations for patient care, to play a functional role of pharmacists.
In this study, the southern of the psychiatric teaching hospital inpatients were searched from 2005 to 2009 in the hospital medical information system with schizophrenia. It was included demographic data, the use of clozapine, and the clozapine combined use of other antipsychotic drugs. We establish descriptive information of physician prescription pattern of antipsychotics clozapine on the formation process. The resulted data was compare to the descriptive data to study the impact of physician prescribing patterns of antipsychotic drugs clozapine factors. Furthermore, the better understanding of the formation of the rationality of prescribing was made. It was to establish clinical recommendations on the future pharmacists in the reference model.
This study can be found currently clozapine use, and the different prescribing patterns such as monotherapy and polypharmacy. It must be include gender, age, hospital stay, the drug use and other factors influencing the time. And then to discuss the usage of antipsychotic prescribing patterns of physicians factors that can be helpful to understand the choice of prescribing physicians the reasons the use of drugs at the right time to achieve reasonable prescription.