病歷檔案管理人員面對病歷電子化之工作未確定性焦慮感是可預期的。本研究旨在瞭解病歷檔案管理人員之自我效能及面對病歷電子化的個人創越,並進一步探討自我效能是否為個人創越與工作未確定性焦慮感間的中介變項。本研究針對嘉南地區10家醫院之病歷檔案管理人員進行問卷調查,問卷共發出215份,回收有效問卷為202份,有效回收率為94%。以SPSS分析問卷的信度與效度,並使用Amos 17.0 進行模式檢定與路徑分析。研究結果發現病歷檔案管理人員個人創越之表現愈佳,則自我效能愈高,而顯著地降低工作未確定性焦慮感。個人創越可以間接透過自我效能的中介作用,降低工作未確定性焦慮感。此結果證實自我效能在個人創越的中介角色,故本研究提出欲降低病歷檔案管理人員工作未確定性焦慮感須考慮以提高自我效能的方式介入之建議。 Medical records staff may produce a certain amount of anticipatory anxiety related to job uncertainty regarding the electronic medical record adoption. This study examined the general self-efficacy and personal initiative of medical records staff and to determine whether general self-efficacy acts as a mediator between personal initiative and anxiety related to job uncertainty. A questionnaire survey was anonymously conducted among medical records staff (n=215) of ten hospitals in Chaiyi-Tainan Region, Taiwan. The effective response rate was 94% (n=202). After the data collection, the analysis was done using SPSS 12.0 and Amos 17.0 program. The results showed that higher levels of personal initiative were significantly related to higher levels of general self-efficacy, which was in turn associated with lower anxiety related to job uncertainty. Moreover, general self-efficacy mediated the effects of personal initiative on anxiety related to job uncertainty. These findings substantiate the hypothesized mediation role of general self-efficacy in personal initiative and suggest the need to consider ways of enhancing general self-efficacy in interventions aimed at reducing anxiety related to job uncertainty.