本研究主要目的為從技術擴散觀點探討影響醫院PACS創新擴散關鍵因素。本研究以Larsen (2003)歸納出之結果為基礎,提出三階段研究架構,並蒐集相關文獻進行整合與修正,並交由專家審查。多重個案研究之研究對象為國內三間已發展醫療影像儲傳系統之不同等級醫院,以深度訪談法瞭解在PACS系統建置、使用及評值階段之完整過程。本研究發現,在PACS建置階段受到供應商、內部需求、倡導者、高階主管支持、專案小組能力及教育訓練等因素影響;在使用階段受到系統品質、資訊品質、服務品質及使用者滿意等因素影響;而在評值階段則受到PACS效益、個人影響及組織影響等因素影響。研究結果將可做為後續醫療院所建置與發展PACS的重要參考。 The purpose of this study is to investigate critical factors affecting hospital innovation assimilation of PACS from a technology diffusion perspective. Based on results of Larsen (2003), this study proposed a three-stage research framework and it was then enhanced by literature reviews and expert panels. Multiple case studies targeted with the project team members of PACS implementation of three hospitals of various hospital levels in Taiwan were conducted to obtain in-depth insights on the implementation, usage, and evaluation stages of PACS implementation process. Our study found that the critical factors affecting implementation stage of PACS are vendor competency, internal needs, champions, top management support, project team competency, and training. System quality, information quality, service quality, and user satisfaction are key factors affecting PACS usage, while PACS benefits, individual impacts, organizational impacts are critical for PACS evaluation stage. The findings of this study enable hospital managers to understand important considerations for PACS assimilation process. The results can also provide useful suggestions for managers and practitioners of PACS in improving further PACS development.