本研究提出三個結論:(1)根據研究結果發現「績效期望-課程」這個構面的影響力最高,表示護理人員對數位學習課程內容的需求,高過於系統的有用性以及介面的易用性。(2)「促成條件」會正面影響「實際行為」,表示醫院的協助以及系統的服務會影響護理人員是否繼續使用數位學習。(3)「行為意願」會正面影響「實際行為」,表示如果護理人員有意願使用數位學習,那繼續使用的機率相當高。 In this study, we investigate the key factors of influence on nationwide nurses using e-learning,The research infrastructure is developed by integrated technology acceptance model (UTAUT) to collect questionnaire data using collection method, 346 valid questionnaire data were analyzed.
According to the theoretical framework and literature review, the results of this study will explore the five dimensions of "Performance Expectations - Course" and "Performance Expectations - system", "Expectation", "Subjective Norm" and "Promote Conditions" affect nurses use e-Learning in the "Intention" and "Actual Behavior",The results shows that "Performance Expectations - Course" and "Performance Expectations - System", "Expectation" and "Subjective norm" will positively in effect the "Intention" and "Facilitating Conditions" and "Intention" will positively affect the "Actual Behavior".
This study obtains three conclusions: (1) According to the results found that "Performance Expectations – Course " is the max impact dimensions of the demand on that nurses e-Learning courses, and it is higher than the system usefulness and the ease use of interface,(2) "Facilitate Conditions" give a positive influence on "Actual Behavior", i.e,the hospital and system services will assist the nursing staff whether decide to continue using the e-Learning,(3) "Intention" effects positively on deciding "Actual Behavior" and that if nurses are more willing to use e-Learning, the probability of continuing use is more higher.