本研究利用無氧生物膜-好氧MBR系統處理垃圾滲出水,於固定水力停留時間 (Hydraulic Retention Time,HRT) 48小時及固定污泥停留時間 (Sludge Retention Time, SRT) 50天,迴流比為2Q等條件,未改變實驗參數下,持續觀察系統水質參數之變化。整體系統COD、氨氮、總氮、總磷、正磷酸鹽,其去除率分別為,75%、92%、82%、64%、66%;另外,以污泥熱解且混合石灰水之實驗,來探討除磷之可行性。
污泥熱解且混合石灰水實驗顯示,污泥經由熱解消化後,其上澄液有釋磷之現象。而實驗中比較污泥濃度與改變加熱時間下,發現其對污泥釋磷量並無明顯之影響。熱解後之上澄液混合石灰水發現,石灰水濃度在1000ppm以下時,平均去除率為62%,而石灰水濃度高於1500ppm以上時,平均去除率為82%。經由實驗結果可知,污泥經由熱解消化可將污泥中的磷釋出,而混合石灰水可將水中的磷降解,在石灰水濃度高於於1500ppm以上時,可獲得較佳之除磷效果。所以MBR系統除磷,可以結合污泥熱解且混合石灰水之方式,來有效的提升磷之去除與回收效益。 The research is that the combined membrane bioreactor, conducted by using landfill leachate, was operated regularly for 48 hours of HRT and 50 days of SRT, and the sludge recycle ratio is fixed at 2Q with unchanged experimental parameters, observing continuously the variation of the water quality parameters in the system . The results showed that the removal efficiency of COD, ammonia nitrogen, total nitrogen, total phosphorus and orthophosphate in overall system is 75%、92%、82%、64% and 66% respectively. In addition, the experiment of sludge pyrolysis and mixing of lime is to discuss the feasibility to removal phosphorus.
The experiment of sludge pyrolysis and mixing of lime illustrates that after the thermo chemical digestion of sludge, there is a release phenomenon of phosphorus in supernatant liquid. The experiments on comparing the sludge concentration with change of the heating time, it is found that the quantity of the sludge release of phosphorus doesn’t influence obviously. It shows that when the concentration of lime is under 1000 ppm, the average removal efficiency is 62% and when the concentration of lime is more than 1500 ppm, the average removal efficiency is 82% after pyrolysis of mixing supernatant liquid and lime. This research shows that the sludge can release phosphorus through the thermo chemical digestion, and it can degradable the phosphorus in the water mixing with lime. In addition, when the concentration of lime is more than 1500 ppm, it can remove phosphorus more efficiently. So, the way to remove phosphorus with MBR system is to combine the sludge pyrolysis and mixing lime, it will be effectively improve to remove phosphorus and enhance the recovery efficiency.