摘要: | 基於一次性食品容器廢棄物問題,環境資訊將成為台灣未來產品重要的一環。本研究以1公噸市售上便當盒用紙為功能單位,以下統稱為「食品紙容器」,運用生命週期評估與生命週期成本探討從原料、製造、使用、及焚化處理或回收之環境與成本分析,以期提供未來國內產業相關環境資訊呈現、產品碳足跡及相關資料庫參考。相關研究內容主要分為三個部份,分別為食品紙容器之生命週期評估、產品生命週期成本與生態效益及情境改善模擬。細部結果包括:
1.在食品紙容器之生命週期評估,總能源消耗為33,096.8MJ,以原料階段的26,084.6 MJ為最高,約占生命週期整體的78.8%;其次為運輸階段的7,003.0 MJ,約占21.1%。
2.溫室氣體排放結果,LCA整體排放為2,211.2 kgCO2-eq.,在生命週期各個階段以原料階段的1,098.0 kgCO2-eq.為最高,約占總排放的49.7%;其次為焚化階段484.1 kgCO2-eq.,約占21.9%。
3.生命週期成本推估,總成本結果為87,386 NT$/ton,其中以加工成型39,939 NT$/ton為最高階段,約占總成本的45.7%,其次為原料階段31,840 NT$/ton,約占36.4%。
4.在不同的末端處理情境,溫室效應特徵化結果以焚化處理情境高於回收再利用情境;不同原料來源情境之溫室效應比較,台灣情境的溫室效又較低於歐洲情境。 This study is based on the need of the waste management problem, carbon footprint, life cycle assessment research for food containers. The methods were available to apply on the food containers case study by life cycle assessment(LCA) and life cycle cost(LCC), that span from raw materials, manufacture, use, and end of life. Results indicate that are the life cycle assessment, life cycle costs and eco-efficiency, and improving simulations. The details are as follow:
1.The LCA of food paper containers indicated that the total energy consumption is with 33096.82 MJ, and raw materials stage of 26084.6 MJ with78.81% is the highest, followed by the raw materials stage of 7003.0 MJ with 21.16% .
2.The greenhouse gases were 2,211.25 kgCO2-eq of LCA. The contribution of
raw materials stage is the highest with 1,098.03 kgCO2-eq., accounting for 49.66%, followed by the incineration stage with 484.09 kgCO2-eq., accounting for 21.89%.
3.The LCC was 87,386 $ NT for the food paper containers, which manufacture cost was the highest with the ratio 45.7%, followed by the raw materials stage was with the ratio 36.4 %.
4.The different treatment for end-of-life, the greenhouse effect was higher by the incineration treatment than by recycling. The different sources scenarios of raw materials, The value of global warming from Taiwan was lower than from Europe. |