摘要: | 工業區的開發建設與營運,往往帶動了當地的經濟發展,同時也帶來許多環境問題。本研究擬依循環境影響評估的觀念與方法,藉由已開發的工業區為案例,對工業區的環境影響重要因子進行綜合評估,追蹤與探討既存工業區對環境之影響,並透過數理、社經因子之量化,來分析驗證原提環境影響評估書件中之結論與承諾事項是否符合現況,進而提出建議,期提高工業區自我環境管理能力,並對環評追蹤制度提出改進建言。
本研究對於單純環境條件,而因地緣被選為研究案例的大德工業區,進行個案環評監督追蹤研究,雖無發現重大環境管理缺失或建議,但是對於提高工業區自我環境管理能力,並對環評追蹤制度提出改進建言已有一定成績。 The construction of a suitable industrial park not only led to local economic development, but also brought about many environmental issues. Thus, a comprehensive assessment of industrial parks, created using environmental impact assessment concepts and methods, can be used to follow-up their impacts on the local environment. This research analyzes the environmental impact statement submitted during the development of industrial parks on mathematical and socio-economic factors, verify commitments to compliance, and make recommendations to improve the autonomous environmental management and EIA legal system.
In this research, due to the simplest situation and location, Dade Industrial Park of Gongsan Town in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, has been chosen as an object of case study, analyzing selected samples of submitted environmental statement, tracking background data and predicted results (screening from nearby schools, residences, and other sensitive areas, and measuring on-site noise, traffic, and air quality). In addition, a comprehensive socio-economic survey of local inhabitants and specialists has been conducted too. Following upper stages of analysis process, discussion on creating a best available follow-up system to manage the environmental impacts of the existed industrial parks is involved and completed. |