本研究以兩間高噪音廠房之現況為量測條件,針對廠房機械運轉產生之噪音特性,檢討遮音控制之可行性,其裝置包括隔音牆及吸音泡棉直接披覆等方式,以實際量測遮音前後之降音改善情形。設計適合之隔音裝置並施工過程全程監督,待完工以相同音源下進行改善後之噪音頻譜測量並作比較分析確認隔音效果使其音量分別降低達16.9及28.9dB。 Composite sandwich panels have been promising materials to construct strong lightweight structures. The aims of the present study are to explore better performance of sound insulation among different types of complex plate and to investigate the acoustic barrier effects of these complex plates that formed the partition walls in noisy workshop. A sandwich panel is composed by attaching two thin but stiff skins to a lightweight but thick core material. In this study, we conducted many experiments under three variables, which were skin layers material, core layer material, and thickness. Audio source was set to simulate white noise with component of while frequency 1000Hz response to volume 90dB. Two spectrum analyzers were placed in the front and the back of test plates. The difference of respective sound volumes represented the performance of sound insulation.
Our results showed that the higher density or thickness of homogeneous plates had the better performance of sound insulation. The wooden board and steel plate had the best acoustic insulation performance of all materials. Compared different thickness of air layer in hollow plates, 3cm thickness of air layer had the best result of sound insulation. The set of air layer tented to make sound transmission loss in high frequency. The experimental results showed that the sandwich panels with 30mm thickness rock wool had the best performance of sound insulation and had larger frequency area of mass controlled region. The airborne sound transmission loss(TL) of the large size sandwich panel specimen had 52 dB accordance ISO 707-1, and the dip of TL became unclearness at coincidence effect region . We evaluated two noisy workshops and analyzed the characteristics of noises from these two workshops. Then we built the partition walls by these complex plates and calculated the acoustic barrier effects. Based on the results, we designed the soundproofing facilities that are specific to these workshops. The construction documentations were offered and the facilities were built under our supervision of the whole process. The effects of noise reduction were 16.9 and 28.9 dB,analyzed under the same methods as previous evaluation.