摘要: | 聚對苯二甲酸乙二酯塑膠廣泛應用於生活用品。然而產品生命週期過程,可能需要大量能源消耗及環境污染排放,並且產生塑膠不易分解及焚化廢氣排放問題。因此,本研究以寶特瓶塑膠為個案研究,以生命週期評估方法、碳足跡、生命週期成本及生態效益等方法探討寶特瓶材料在台灣應用之現況,進一步情境模擬,探討生命週期階段之環境衝擊釋意及生態效益,以期能進一步以生命週期思考獲得寶特瓶塑膠應用之相關環境性。相關研究結果包括三個部分,第一部分,PET寶特瓶材料之生命週期評估;第二部分,PET寶特瓶材料之生命週期成本分析及其生態效益;第三部分,各類塑膠寶特瓶之生命週期評估及生態效益比較。其詳細結果包括(1)PET寶特瓶材料不同生命週期末端系統範疇,溫室效應以末端回收方式優於焚化處理方式。(2)PET寶特瓶材料在不同末端處理情境之生命週期評估,其能源消耗與溫室氣體排放皆以原料階段為最高。(3)不同塑膠考量末端處理情境,於焚化處理、回收方式及台灣末端混合處理,其能源消耗PET為最大,其值依序為1,750 MJ、1,840 MJ及1,830 MJ;溫室氣體排放則分別為182.48 kgCO2-eq.、133.01 kgCO2-eq.及135.83 kgCO2-eq.。(4)PET寶特瓶材料之生態效益,於溫室氣體排放、酸雨潛勢及生態毒性等方面之生態效益皆以末端回收方式優於焚化處理方式。(5)於台灣混合處理情境,PET與傳統塑膠比較在溫室效應、酸雨效應及生態毒性方面之生態效益,皆以PET為最好。 Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) plastics are widely to be applied on the household items. However, the PET product has some problem like as the large energy consumption, decompose problem and incineration emissions during the span of life cycle. Therefore, this study focused on the PET bottles material, studying the environmental impacts and eco-efficiency analyses in Taiwan by life cycle assessment, carbon footprint, life cycle cost, eco-efficiency and scenario simulations. The results involved three parts, the first was about the life cycle assessment of PET bottles, the second concerned with the life cycle cost analysis and eco-efficiency, and the last concerned with life-cycle assessment and eco-efficiency among the various plastic bottles. The detailed results as following, (I) For the different LCA boundary definition, the recycling scenario was better than incineration on the greenhouse effect. (II) On the different end-of-life scenarios, the energy consumption and greenhouse gases were highest on material stage of LCA. (III)Compared with the different plastics among the end-of-life scenarios like as the incineration, recycling and mixed treatment in Taiwan, the PET was the highest on energy consumption and greenhouse effect with, the values at 1,840 MJ and 182.48 kgCO2-eq., respectively. (IV)The eco-efficiencies were more efficiency on the recycling scenario than the incineration scenario from the environmental issues on greenhouse effect, acidification, and ecotoxicity. (V) The PET plastic was more environmental friendly than the other plastics from the aspects on the greenhouse effect, acidification, and ecotoxicity. |