研究結果顯示金華社區環境正向觀感滿意度高於大湖社區,執行計畫經驗與城鄉發展資源差距為主要原因;金華社區對於節能減碳之正向觀感認同度亦高於大湖社區,主要原因在於其高資訊流通度與高水平的生活需求層面;兩社區家戶最認同的節能減碳設施項目皆為節能標章家電產品、節水設備與太陽能設備;兩社區購買節能減碳設施主要原因皆以經濟上許可為主,其次為環保意識;在節能減碳設施認同度之進階分析,金華社區受訪者面對兩階段節能減碳設施認同度與一致性皆高於大湖社區;藉由Likert五點量表平均值之量化分析結果,確認本研究正向觀感滿意度為可信賴之分析工具。 The science of global warming has become a political and policy issue. In response to the international trend toward energy conservation and carbon reduction, the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, R. O. C (Taiwan) has adopted energy conservation and carbon reduction into the implementation of environmental reforms. The purpose of this study was to investigate the different aspects concerning with energy conservation and carbon reduction between Jin-hwa community, South District of Tainan City, and Da-hu community, Hu-nei District of Kaohsiung City.
The results indicated the positively environmental satisfaction questionnaire of Jin-hwa community was higher than it of Da-hu community due to the urban-rural gap and experiences in implementing environmental reforms. The positive approval of energy conservation and carbon reduction of Jin-hwa community was also higher than that of Da-hu community because of higher information flows and living standards. For both Jin-hwa and Da-hu communities, prior initiative to purchase energy conservation and carbon reduction devives was economic issue. Concerning advanced analysis of approval of purchasing energy conservation and carbon reduction devives, a higher consistence existed in Jin-hwa community. Based on the results of Five-Point Likert Items, the positive satisfaction questionnaire was considered as a reliable tool in the qualitative evaluation of satisfaction questionnaire.
Key words: Community Empowerment, Energy Conservation and Carbon