政府近年來積極推展偏遠社區營造與環境生態保育,以在地經營與行動的精神,為老社區注入一股新生的契機,也促使社區進一步追求永續發展的社區營造模式。而優良社區案例之探討,也成為學術發展的重要趨勢。透過系統化的分析架構,研究指標社區成功之因素,藉以提供後續社區發展的學習典範。本研究針對優等社區-高雄市大樹區竹寮社區進行系統性的探討,以其『環境面向』、『文化創意產業面向』與『觀光面向』三面向作為研究主軸,進而探討竹寮社區發展之模式與各面向之間的相關性,研究方法採用居民問卷調查與社區領導人半結構式訪談獲得研究數據,並探討竹寮社區三面向單獨與相互影響的結果。單一面向研究結果顯示,民眾對於文化創意的正向觀感滿意度最低,主要因為文化創意產業尚未為蓬勃發展;而由社區發展協會推動的環境品質及觀光發展,則獲得最高的正向觀感滿意。多面向交互影響分析結果說明,環境品質與觀光發展呈現明顯的競爭與合作的關係;而與觀光發展面向具有關聯性的滿意度有較低的趨勢,並確認觀光發展所帶來環境的負面效益。交互影響的正向觀感滿意度皆高於單一面向之滿意度,說明三面向間存在合作互利且放大之關連性。依據Likert五尺量表平均值之計算結果,確認正向觀感滿意度為可信賴的分析工具。 In recent years, the government of Taiwan has been actively promoting community empowerment and environment conservation with local management. The efforts have not only infusing new energy for communities but also seeking the sustainable development. Many researchers devoted themselves into the study on the successful case study of community empowerment. The successful case of Jhuliao community in Kaohsiung City was systematically investigated in terms of environmental quality, cultural creativity industry and tourist development. The research methodology was carried out by both questionnaire and interview. The results of single and mutual
aspects of three important factors were analyzed. With regard to the positive satisfaction of single factor, the lowest satisfaction was cultural creativity industry due to the immature development. On the other hand, both environmental quality and tourist development reached the highest satisfaction. In terms of the mutual interaction between three factors, a competitive and cooperative relationship between both environmental quality and tourist development was observed. Meanwhile, all tourist development related aspects seemed to be relatively lower recognitions due to the environmental impacts. The satisfaction of mutual factors was generally higher than single one. It indicated community empowerment was generally regarded as a diverse organization. Accordin to the results of five-point Likert-type scale, the positive satisfaction analysis seemed to be a reliable tool for evaluation of qualitative analysis.