溫泉泡湯已成為國人重要的休閒活動之一,多數民眾肯定浸泡溫泉有舒緩壓力及促進健康的效果,但對於個體相關生理機能影響的研究並不多見。本研究目的在於探討溫泉浸泡對經絡的影響,由120位18至30歲健康自願者,經隨機分派的方式分成不同水溫(36℃與41℃)及浸泡深度(半身-心臟以及全身-頸部)之組合,每組各30人。並以ARDK經絡診斷儀先進行經絡量能前測,測完後依組別進行溫泉浸泡15分鐘,浸泡結束後休息15分鐘再進行後測。所得到的數據資料經過整理後,進行統計分析,以配對t 檢定(paired t-test)比較比較不同浸泡方式前、後的經絡量能變化,不同高度及溫度比較則以獨立t檢定(independent t-test)來分析其差異,藉以瞭解溫泉浸泡對經絡量能之影響為何,並以P值小於0.05 為顯著水準。結果顯示泉水溫度高於體溫可引起較多經絡能量變化,其中大腸經、胃經、腎經、三焦經、膽經能量增加,脾經、小腸經、膀胱經、心包經能量減少;而36℃浸泡溫度對經絡能量的影響較小。八種浸泡方式之陰陽比值後測均略低於前測,即使其差異並不明顯,而陰陽比值降低意謂新陳代謝加快。而八組之元氣、上下比值、左右比值、自律神經壓力比值大都無顯著差異,推論本研究所採用之浸泡溫泉方式並不會影響氣血平衡,也不會增加自律神經的壓力。溫泉浸泡對五行的效應主要使「土」、「君火」、「水」的能量降低,且全身浸泡會較顯著;對「金」、「木」、「相火」影響較小。 Hot spring had become an important leisure to Taiwanese. Most of people affirmed that the hot spring can release stress and facilitate health. But there were no much researchs for the hot spring on physiological influence. Purpose of this study was to explore the effects of hot spring bath on the meridian energy. One hundred and twenty healthy volunteers aged 18 to 30 were subjected randomly into four groups: 36oC soaking to neck, 36oC soaking to heart, 41oC soaking to neck, and 41oC soaking to heart. Thirty volunteers in each group were assigned to 15 minutes of hot spring soaking. Automatic Refelx Diagnostic Komplex (ARDK) was used to analyze meridian data before and after hot spring soaking. The data were analyzed with independent sample t-test (t-test) and paired t-test by a statistical level of 0.05. The results showed that higher soaking temperature induced more meridian energy increase, even in higher soaking level. Higher soaking level also decreased energy of “earth”, “master fire” and “water” in five elements, but less effect on the ratio of yin/yang, upper/lower, left/right, stress, vitality.