研究結果顯示,對照組的各項皮膚檢測值皆無明顯差異甚至呈現衰退現象,碳酸氫鈉溫泉面膜與碳酸氫鹽泉之保濕度較其他泉質高,而蒸氣美容A組(RO水)對彈性值無顯著效益,而溫泉面膜對彈性值則具有提升之效果,經蒸氣美容後之組別其皮脂量皆上升,溫泉面膜之皮脂量則維持平衡,RO組、氯化物硫磺鹽泉與碳酸氫鈉泉之pH值呈現下降趨勢,而溫泉面膜、碳酸氫鹽泉、氯化物碳酸氫鈉泉與氯化物硫磺鹽泉之表皮水份維持平衡,RO組則使表皮水份下降,故本研究證實使用溫泉蒸氣美容與溫泉面膜對於臉部美容有正面效益可做為未來推廣溫泉美容之依據。 In recent years, with the progress of society, people increasingly focus on recreation and health. In Taiwan, a spa is one of the recreations considered for this purpose. Studies found that the sodium bicarbonate content in hot springs can absorb free radicals and has anti-inflammatory effects. Also, water that contains sodium bicarbonate is currently the best choice as base water in the cosmetics industry. While currently the use of hot springs in Taiwan has not been fully explored, these facts give hot springs the merits for further study in cosmetic and medical product development.
This research aims to determine the cosmetic benefits of using hot spring on facial skin using different application modes and spring qualities. Two application modes are used; hot spring facial film and hot spring vapour. Also, four different hot spring qualities are used: Group A (RO water), Group B (Hydrogen Sodium Chlorine and Carbonic Acid Spring); Group C (Chloride Sulphur Spring); and Group D (Carbonic Acid Hydrogen Brine Spring).
Group D and facial mask showed better moisturizing effect compared to the other groups. In terms of skin pH, all the groups are still within the 4.5-6 acceptable range but groups A, B, and D showed lower values. The skin sebum content increased for all the groups except for facial mask which showed no difference after application. In terms of epidermal hydration, all the groups including the facial mask registered no significant change while group A resulted in lower values. All groups exhibited insignificant change to the elasticity of the skin after application