2009年後由於屏東縣政府實施總量管制,超抽逐漸改善,水位、導電度、pH值、氧化還原電位有逐漸回復的趨勢。 Many hot spring hotels in Szuchungchi, southern Taiwan, in order to support their hot spring water supply, are increasing the amount of hot spring water by over-pumping, which resulting the decline of hot spring water level. In 2009, the water level has dropped to 75m from ground surface. The decline of the hot spring water level could lead to surface water and shallow groundwater recharging to the hot spring aquifer. This will result in changes of water quality and pose a threat to the hotels and spa industry. The purpose of this study is to investigate the chemistry changes of hot spring waters in Szuchungchi and to provide suggestions to the management of the hot spring water resources.
In this study, I take samples from hot spring wells, stream waters and shallow wells. The electrical conductivity (EC), pH, oxidation/reduction potential of waters are analyzed on site. An EC sensor and data logger were also set to long-term monitoring in a public bath house.
The results of my study show that water level and EC in hot spring wells were all decline from 2002 to 2009. The values of pH, oxidation/reduction potential didn’t change. The composition of hot spring water is mainly by sodium bicarbonate which is 95% of the major ion concentration. Stream water and shallow groundwater are composed by calcium and magnesium bicarbonate. The decline of water level in hot spring aquifer should cause the intrusion of shallow groundwater that results the EC decreased of hot spring waters.
After 2009, the decline of water level in hot spring wells were hold and recovered after the enforced of pumping restriction on the hot spring wells by the Pingtung County Government. The EC values of the hot spring waters were also increased after 2009.