本研究分別以該廠區內承攬商鐵工作業、拆搭架作業及一般作業人員各30人共計90人,進行疲勞度現況抽樣調查及測試研究。配合「自覺疲勞症狀調查表」、「反應棒測試」、「神經肌肉協調性測試」及「血壓、心率反應」做為方法與工具,並採用「社會科學統計套裝軟體」(SPSS 12.0)進行t檢定、ANOVA及疲勞度與看病率相關性分析等。
經統計分析結果如下:(1)鐵工作業及拆搭架作業人員屬「一般型」疲勞型態;一般作業人員屬「精神工作型」疲勞型態。(2)收工後與上工前反應棒測試的比較結果,以鐵工作業人員增加107.19ms(19.6﹪)表現最優,表示疲勞度增加最少;拆搭架作業人員增加117.45ms(32.0﹪)次之;一般作業人員增加116.05ms(39.9﹪)表現最不理想。(3)收工後與上工前神經肌肉協調性測試的比較結果,以鐵工作業人員減少5顆/分(11.4﹪)的表現最優,表示疲勞度增加最少;拆搭架作業人員減少6.2顆/分(11.9﹪)次之;而一般作業人員減少7.6顆/分(15.0﹪)表現最不理想。(4)收工後與上工前血壓、心率比較結果,雖有些微差異但未具顯著性。(5)近六個月因工作而前往就診者比較結果,雖有些微差異但未具顯著性,其中以鐵工作業就診「眼科」最多;拆搭架作業就診「肌肉骨骼傷害」次之。(6)承攬商作業人員大部分均有喝酒、抽煙、嚼檳榔的習慣。 Due to the type of work, the petrochemical plant in addition to their own human, corportion still rely on co-contractors, so business units should be in line with the spirit of responsibility to care for the lives of contract workers and their properties, to reduce the risk of public safety and to avoid occupational accidents.The aims of this study were to assess the fatigue degree of the contract workers in a petrochemical plant in the southern Taiwan and to analyze the relationship between the fatigue degree and the occupational hazard .
This study randomly pick 30 workers from each of the following groups ( i.e. iron workers, scaffolding operators, general office workers). Total 90 workers were subjected to the following survey or tests, namely the "subjective symptom survey", "reflex test probe" method, "muscle coordination reaction" test, and " B.P. and Heart Rate response survey" . The data collected were proceeded with the t-test and ANOVA analysis, by means of a statistical software SPSS 12.0., to search for the correlation between the occupational hazard / frequency of seeing doctor versus the fatigue of workers.
The results of this study are:
(1) The fatigue pattern of iron workers and scaffolding operators can be classified as the“general work-type fatigue”. But the fatigue pattern of general office workers will be classified as“mental work-type fatigue”.
(2) Examine the data collected by "reflex test probe" method. It shows iron workers give the best result( 107.28ms/19.6% ). Scaffolding operators get the second place ( 117.54ms/32.0% ). The last place goes to general office workers ( 116.05ms/39.9 ).
(3) The "muscle coordination reaction" test shows that the iron workers get the best result ( i.e. 5 pieces/min./11.4% ). The scaffolding operators take the second place ( i.e. 6.2 pieces/min/11.9% ). But the general office workers still get the last place ( i.e. 7.6 pieces/min/15.0% )
(4) The result of " B.P. and Heart Rate response survey" shows that no significant difference was found among the three different groups.
(5) In the past six months the iron workers seem to have higher frequency of visiting Ophthalmology department than the other groups; but the scaffolding workers seem to have a higher frequency of visiting the Orthopedics department. Yet both didn’t reach the significant level.
(6) Most of the contractor workers have the habits of drinking, smoking, and betel nut chewing.