本文主要探討日本裕仁皇太子臺灣行啟的文化觀光價值,透過文獻比對和歷史影像的考證,利用GPS路徑軌跡重現昔日行經之路線,探討皇太子行程安排背後所呈現的意涵;期待以「故事行銷」的方式,建構兼具觀光吸引力與歷史教育意義的「文化觀光路徑」,吸引國內外遊客前往尋幽探訪。 The imperial visit to Taiwan of the crown prince Hirohito in 1923 was a historical even of great significance, as he was the most high – ranked guest that Taiwan had during the Japanese-occupied period and his visit has become an important asset of the development of cultural tourism in Taiwan.
Many of the princess’s legacies are still being told across Taiwan, such as the crown prince planted trees in Taiwan with his bare hands and the original of the Crown Prince Hotel. Despite the truth of these legacies still need to be proved, they have become the selling points of many travel agencies through packaging. However, many places the Crown Prince Hirohito actually visited are still standing tall but without any recognition, and therefore, this research uses the imperial visit as a case study, aiming to re-create the original travelling route.
This research mainly investigates the value of cultural tourism of the imperial visit of the crown prince by reviewing literature and video footage, using GPS to re-create the route to understand the real meaning why such route was carried out. It hopes to use story-marketing to design attractive and educational route of cultural tourism to draw more domestic and foreign visitors.