隨著生活品質提升,許多文明病也困擾著現代人,加上休閒產業的發展蓬勃及多樣化,使得休閒保健產業逐漸受到重視。本研究主要是探討芳香保健療法對經絡能量之影響,以40位自願受測大學生分成四組:(1)對照組(塗抹生理食鹽水);(2)甜杏仁油塗抹和嗅吸;(3)迷迭香精油塗抹和嗅吸;(4)木元素花精塗抹和嗅吸。在塗抹前後均以自動反射診斷系統 (Automatic Reflex Diagnostic Komplex,ARDK)來進行12經絡能量之測量,所得結果再以配對t檢定(paired t-test)與單因子變異數分析(one way analysis of variance, one way ANOVA)比較其差異,並以0.05作為統計差異水準。結果發現甜杏仁油及迷迭香精油均造成多數經絡能量下降,且使五行也減少;而木元素花精因塗抹於手部而使得手三陰三陽經絡能量增加,不僅提升元氣、上下比值,降低自律神經壓力比值,也使相應的手部「金」、「君火」、「相火」等五行能量增強,對足部經絡及相關五行影響甚小。四組中僅甜杏仁油使用後陰陽比值顯著提高,這是因為甜杏仁油使手三陽能量顯著減少所致。在左右比值上,四組研究結果中發現前後差異並不明顯。 The life quality increase accompany with diseases to bother people. Recreational industries developing rapidly and diversely make the recreational health industries being more important. This research was focused on the effects of aromatic therapy for meridian energy. Forty college volunteers were subjected to four groups: (1) saline; (2) sweet almond oil; (3) rosemary essential oil; (4) wood flower essence. The Automatic Reflex Diagnostic Komplex (ARDK), a device to detect 12 meridians energy, was used before and after the volunteers being smeared over their two hands with the solution according their group. Paired t-test and one way analysis of variance (one way ANOVA) were analyzed the differences by the statistical level of 0.05. The results indicated that many meridians energy decreased significantly by almond oil and rosemary essential oil, which induced the lower five elements. Wood flower essence, being smeared on hands, increased meridian energy on hands, as well as vitality, the ratio of upper/lower, metal element, master fire and assistant fire of five elements, but decreased stress ratio. Only the almond oil enhanced the ratio of yin/yang due to decreasing energy of three yang meridians on hands. The ratio of left/right was not affected by four groups.