本研究採用文獻分析和案例研究,針對高雄縣六龜鄉寶來溫泉區的芳晨溫泉休閒渡假村,依據藍海策略與達爾文演化觀點,提出價值創新的經營策略建議。執行藍海策略,依序有六大步驟:「改造市場疆界」、「專注於大局而非數字」、「超越現有需求」、「策略次序要正確」、「克服重要組織障礙」、「把執行納入策略」(Kim、Mauborgne, 2005)。在改造市場疆界、專注於大局而非數字、超越現有需求的方面,物種演化論可以協助定位藍海商品( Ries & Ries, 2006)。本研究建議芳晨溫泉休閒渡假村或許也可以一反溫泉旅館的消費市場常規,在考慮買方效益的情形下,推出例如親子旅遊兒童免費的行銷方案,重新定位自己為親子旅遊溫泉旅館,和其他溫泉旅館業者形成有效的市場區隔。 Based on the viewpoint of 'Blue Ocean Strategy' and Charles Darwin's theory, this study is a case study and uses document analysis to suggest a value-created strategy for Fun-Chen Resort Hotel at Kaohsiung County, Taiwan. There are six steps of 'Blue Ocean Strategy' : (1) Reconsider the boundary of current market, (2) Focus on the vision not the number, (3) Beyond the current customer-needs, (4) Be correct at the vision not the number, (5) Solve the major organization blocks, (6) Include the action in the strategy. Therefore, Charles Darwin's theory could help to find the 'blue ocean' product. The study suggests that the Fun-Chen Resort Hotel may be considered as the family travel resort in the hot-spring hotel maret. In that way, the Fun-Chen Resort Hotel can effectively tell customers the difference between other hot-spring hotels and itself, and create a blue ocean market for its growth.