以統計學分析台灣地區20個縣市及四大區塊歷年來空氣中污染物之消長;尤有進者,為配合大量資料進行變異數分析( Analysis of Variance ),比較懸浮微粒、落塵量及煤煙濃度三種粒狀污染物相互間之差異性,茲建立一套電腦程式予以快速操作偵測結果。若施以統計假設之檢定,當採用顯著水準α= 0.05下,將台灣地區各縣市間作一比較,得知北部及南部地區污染程度之嚴重性不具充份證據顯示存在差異之結論,有兩極化現象產生,形成區域間發展不均衡狀態,值得有關環保單位之重視。 The changes of particulate concentrations in the air pollution of the twenty locality and four blocks in Taiwan area were analysed by statistics.
A model of computer program was established to test promptly the significant differences of particulates in the air pollution by comparing the suspended particulate, dust fall, and coefficient of haze with volume data on the basis of "analysis of variance".
According to the test of the hypothesis under level of significance α = 0.05 of particulates in Taiwan area, we reach the conclusion that the north is as serious as the south in pollution. It has been two polarity situation which caused the unbalance among the locality. It is very necessary for the environmental protection offices concerned to pay attention to the facts.