本研究的主要目的在於分析民宿委外經營制度的規則,以深度訪談的方式訪問民宿經營者、國家公園處官員、金門縣政府官員、媒體記者等政策利害關係人,藉以剖析委外經營的制度設計問題。研究結果將對國家公園聚落保存與遊憩系統的經營管理有重要的政策意涵。 Kinmen National Park is famous national park field, and has the world's best preserved villages of southern Fujian architecture, conservation of unique natural landscape, cultural assets is the spirit of the establishment of national parks, bed and breakfast in the lodging industry plays an important role, and provide Different needs of tourists choose the price level and service quality.
Tourist island of Kinmen, the southern villages and a battlefield is an important attraction, the National Park Service commissioned the way Outsourcing personal management style with traditional architectural style of Fujian B & B, so that visitors engaged in recreational activities, but also Traditional life in Kinmen understand cultural values.
The main purpose of this study is to analyze the B & B management system outsourcing rules to in-depth interviews B & B operators, National Park Service officials, the Kinmen county government officials, journalists and other policy stakeholders in order to analyze the system of outsourcing management Design problems. The results will be historic preservation national parks and recreation management system has important policy implications.