結果發現,領導人的概念與態度,對於服務行銷的方式有絕對影響因素,如服務產品方面,阿姆坪遊艇設備佳提供較為彈性的遊程設計,大壩船隻較為老舊且遊程固定一種形式;服務人員的表現上,阿姆坪遊艇船長提供較為生動的導覽解說;服務流程上,阿姆坪船長表現較為積極,大壩碼頭船長則相較於消極;宣傳方面,阿姆坪碼頭領導人積極進行偶像劇置入行銷,對於提高知名度有極大助益。 For the past two years, the sightseeing boat business has been more prosperous at Amuping Pier than the Dam site in the Shihmen Reservoir recreation area. Given the same environment for attracting tourists at the two sites, this study aims to explain the difference in their business performance by focusing on marketing strategy and quality of service. The research method includes literature review, field work, and in-depth interviews.
The results show that the difference can be accounted by boat owners’ concept and attitude. Boat owners at Amuping Pier offer a more flexible sightseeing schedule, more interesting tour guide commentary, better service, and more active marketing promotion than their competitors at the Dam site. As an example, boat owners at Amuping Pier have integrated television drama programs into their promotion scheme.