目的:本研究旨在瞭解嘉藥學生對於游泳池使用滿意度的現況及差異情形。方法:立意取樣抽取302位嘉南藥理科技大學同學,回收有效問卷244份,其中男生108位,女生136位。結果:(1)受試對象在服務品質的滿意度最高(M=3.49),在水質水溫的滿意度最低(M=3.39)。(2)性別在游泳池滿意度各構面無顯著差異。(3)學院在總分、消費者空間、服務品質、環境整潔及水質水溫均有顯著差異(P<.05)。結論:(1)受試對象對於游泳池的整體滿意度,介於普通與滿意之間,游泳池在經營管理上,可針對學生意見做改善。(2)受試對象對於游泳池的水溫滿意度最低,未來體育課游泳課程時段之安排,應將研究結果列為調整時段之依據。 The main purpose of this research was to understand the characteristic and the difference of the user’s satisfaction in swimming pools.The sample was 244 students ,including 108 male and 136 female students. Results: (1) subjects in the service quality's score is highest (M = 3.49), water quality and temperature in the least satisfied (M = 3.39). (2) In the result of the sample independent t-test, we find out that the user’s satisfaction have no remarkable diversity in both gender. (3) In the result of one-way ANOVA , collegical in total score, the consumer space, service quality, cleanliness , water quality and temperature have remarkable diversity.Conclusions: (1) user’s satisfaction for the swimming pool, between the position in ordinary and satisfied, advice the swimming pool should take student’s suggestion as a basis in the operation and management. (2) subjects satisfied for the lowest temperature of the pool, it should adjust the results as a basis when arrange the swimming course .