摘要: | 本研究主要在探討台灣報紙對體育運動之表現與平面媒體曝光率的現況,依據2005年AC尼爾森的調查資料,發行量佔台灣第一的蘋果日報所報導內容為調查對象,希望了解2010年11月棒球季節之後,蘋果日報所報導運動內容以何種項目所重點。因此將報導內容分為不同運動項目、文字報導及性別的差異情形,進行現況分析。調查資料結果以SPSS12.0電腦統計軟體進行統計分析,所得結果如下:
一、在報導對不同的運動項目方面,以棒球項目42%為最高、籃球項目30%次之、其他依序為高爾夫11%、網球5%、賽車2%、足球2%、跆拳道2%、撞球1%、田徑1%、排球1%、其他4% (體操 鐵人三項 自行車 桌球 射箭 羽球 啦啦隊 溜冰 摔角等) 。
二、在文字報導篇幅情形,以棒球41% 最高,其他依序為籃球28%、高爾夫球11%、網球7%、賽車2%、撞球2%、足球2%、田徑1%、排球1%、跆拳道1%、其他4% (體操 鐵人三項 自行車 桌球 射箭 羽球 啦啦隊 溜冰 摔角等)。
三、在報導性別方面情形,分別為棒球(男)43%、籃球(男)30%、籃球(女)0%、高爾夫球(男)10%、高爾夫球(女)1%、賽車(男)2%、網球男2%、網球女3%、撞球(男)1%、(撞球)女1%、其他男6%、其他女1%。 The purpose of this study was to investigate the status of Taiwan newspaper on sports performance and media exposure rate. According to the report done by AC Nielsen (2005), which was to investigate which sport was the focal point in the newspaper content. This study divided the newspaper contents into the exposure rate on different sporting events, written words, and genders. SPSS12.0 for Windows were used for data analysis. The results showed:
1. Baseball showed the highest rate of 42%, followed by basketball 30%, golf 11%, tennis 5%, car race 2%, soccer 2%, tae kwon do 2%, billiards 1%, track and field 1%, volleyball 1%, and others 4%, respectively on the exposure rate for different sporting events.
2. Baseball 41% also showed the most words written, followed by basketball 28%, golf 11%、tennis 7%, car race 2%, billiards 2%, soccer 2%, track and field 1%, volleyball 1%, tae kwon do 1%, and others 4%.
3. Baseball (male) 43% showed the highest gender exposure rate, followed by basketball (male) 30%, basketball (female), golf 0% (male) 10%, golf (female) 1%, racing (male) 2%, tennis (male) 2% and (female) 3%, billiards (men) 1%, and others (male) 6%, (female) 1%. |