近年來政府大力推動溫泉相關產業、有效管理與永續利用溫泉資源,使得溫泉產業蓬勃發展。但是在市場國際化、產業全球化下,產品的競爭不再僅於企業之間,而是在於整體供應鏈之間的較勁,因此,溫泉產業供應鏈的整合已成必然趨勢。本論文將供應鏈的理論觀念與溫泉產業相結合,首先依據文獻資料初步繪製溫泉相關產業供應鏈雛型圖,再經與溫泉相關領域之產、官、學界專業人士訪談後,協助修正架構圖,以此建立一套完整的溫泉相關產業供應鏈架構。希藉本架構之建立,供未來有興趣投資溫泉相關業者了解,溫泉的使用不應侷限在泡湯、洗滌、觀光…等活動,而應有更多元化、高加值化的使用,也可供政府在溫泉相關產業管理上有更多面向參考。 In recent years, the Taiwan government actively formulates legislations to facilitate effective management and sustainable use of hot spring resources. However, due to the trend of market internationalization and industry globalization, product competition not only exists between enterprises but also rivals between the overall supply chain. Therefore, the integration supply chain for hot spring industry has become an inevitable trend. In order to establish a comprehensive framework for the hot spring supply chain industry, this thesis applies the supply chain theory to spa industries, and draws the prototype diagram for the hot spring supply chain industry based on the literature survey, and then further revises the diagram according to the interview with the industry/government/academic experts in hot spring-related fields. Based on the proposed spa-related supply chain architecture, readers can clearly understand the utilization of hot spring not only limited to bathing, washing, tourism, etc., but also can have more diversified, high value-added applications. The results investigated by this work can serve as the foundation for further exploration of the spa industry value. Also, they provides multi-dimensional information to industry investors and government decision-makers who plan to invest and are in charge to manage hot spring- related industries, respectively.