低碳觀光的議題逐漸在國際上引發關注,國內正當起步,本文為台灣首次針對觀光遊樂區能資源耗用調查之基礎研究,本文共得24處有效樣本,因觀光遊樂區依營運特性而致能資源耗用差異,本文將之區分為五類,平均每位造訪自然生態型遊樂區的觀光客,每人約耗電14kWh、度假型態遊樂區的觀光客則耗電17 kWh、親水型與設施遊具型同約為26kWh、科學教育型則耗電30kWh,本文同時以園區總用電量及每位遊客人均日用電量為依變數,將遊客數量、園區規模、園區性質等設為自變數,以多元逐步迴歸分析,求取觀光遊樂區之用電預測,分別為1條全年總用電量預測程式及12條逐月用電量預測程式,調整後之R2值介於.855至.961;另在人均用電量預測方面,分別為1條全年平均之人均用電量預測程式及12條逐月之人均用電量預測程式,調整後之R2值介於.268至.804,顯著性均低於.05,說明公式仍具有一定之信賴程度。
用水與用電係為能資源耗用最關切的基本議題,亦為低碳旅遊評估的基礎核心,其需前置完整而確實的研究數據佐證,期本文能為低碳觀光略盡綿薄,亦期望未來能有更多的觀光休閒業,共同致力低碳觀光。 This research intended to investigate the resources consumption of theme parks. The parks aim to provide neat, fantastic, and artificial setting. In the cased of theme parks, 24 valid samples are divided into 5 groups in terms of characteristics. Their electricity consumption are as follows: natural ecology is 14kWh/per tourist, resort is 17kWh/per tourist, water-themed and facility-themed are both 26kWh/per tourist, and education is 14kWh/per tourist. Average tap water consumption are as follows: natural ecology is 332 liter/per tourist, resort is 671 liter/per tourist, water-themed is 891 liter/per tourist, facility-themed is 619 liter/per tourist and education is 230 liter/per tourist. In terms of electricity and water consumption prediction, 52 multiple regression models were established. Among them, 13 formulas were designed to predict total electricity consumption; 13 formulas were designed to predict the per capital electricity consumption;13 formulas were designed to predict the total tap water consumption; the other formulas were designed to predict the per capital tap water consumption. The adjusted R-square values are between .278 and .941, the significance are lower than .05. The above value proved that the formulas are reliable.
The electricity and water consumption are the basic concerns and the core of the evaluation of low-emission. They require complete and profound statistic research. This research, as well as other recreations, is intended to contribute to the development of low-emission tourism.