台灣正起步推動低碳旅遊,2008年首由環保署結合觀光局,併推動環保旅館認證,此為觀光遊憩業針對環境友善的起點。森林遊樂區確實較其他性質的空間省水省電,除與其自然環境條件有關之外,另有其他節約措施值得觀光業參考,期本文能為低碳觀光略盡綿薄。 This research intended to investigate the resources consumption of forest recreation parks. The parks aim to have tourists exposed to the nature, ecology and escape from the hustle and bustle of the city.
In the cased of forest recreation parks, more than half of the 20 valid samples are located in mountain areas. With accessible spring water and cool weather, average electricity consumption/ per tourist is 1.5kWh; average tap water is 7.75 liter. In terms of electricity and water consumption prediction, 52 multiple regression models were established. Among them, 13 formulas were designed to predict total electricity consumption; 13 formulas were designed to predict the per capital electricity consumption;13 formulas were designed to predict the total tap water consumption; the other formulas were designed to predict the per capital tap water consumption. The adjusted R-square values are between .876 and .989, the significance are lower than .05. The above value proved that the formulas are reliable.
Low-emission tourism arouses international concern little by little. Here in Taiwan, in 2008, it was motivated both by Environmental Protection Bureau and Tourism Bureau, which highlight green hotels. The electricity and water consumption are the basic concerns and the core of the evaluation of low-emission. They require complete and profound statistic research. This research, as well as other recreations, is intended to contribute to the development of low-emission tourism.