傳統探討旅遊次數的相關文獻,大多以時間序列模型,分析總體經濟面因素如國民所得、國民生產毛額等之影響效果,較少分析家庭或個人的旅遊選擇行為。在國內文獻部分,尚瑞國等(2004)雖然曾經由個體層面進行探討,惟該研究採用之bivariate probit模型僅能探討過去一段時間有無進行旅遊行為,無法考量家戶實際的旅遊次數。本研究台灣地區社會變遷基本調查計畫第五期第三次之資料為實證樣本,以計數模型分析為研究方法,分別建構家戶國內與國外旅遊需求模型,探討家庭社會經濟屬性對旅遊頻率之影響效果,所考量之解釋變數家庭結構、家戶所得、戶長職業、教育程度等。 Previous literatures of travel frequency mostly apply time series model to analyze the effect of macroeconomics factors such as national income or gross national product, rarely using econometric model and from the individual point of view. In domestic literatures, Son et al.(2004) use the bivariate probit model to analyze the household whether or not travel in past period of time, but did not count the frequencies. This Study use the samples retrieved from Taiwan Social Change Survey, using count data model to analyze the effect of family social-economic characteristics on domestic and outbound travel frequency.