本研究旨在探討一位女性餐飲業創業家從老闆娘變成老闆的成功創業經歷。研究者探索某位80歲女性餐飲業創業者歷經40多年的創業歷程,分析她從老闆娘變成老闆的成功創業經歷之不同時期,以及在創業歷程中的重要經營策略。本研究採用深度訪談(當事人、長子、長媳)、現場觀察、文件分析等質性研究方法,蒐集豐富且多元的資料,歸納發現下列四個創業歷程:1.創業前期(在家從父、出嫁從夫、相夫教子、創業技術)2.創業起始期(創業動機、創業背景、初期招牌、顧客群)3.創業成長期(店名名正言順、經營困境、產品特色、熟客群、行銷策略)4.創業擴張期(老闆娘變老闆、產品再創新、多元行銷策略、顧客群擴大、人力資源運用、創業困境、品牌定位、生產技術提升、未來規劃及遠景、創業成功因素、創業者的角色)。最後,本研究歸納六點重要結論,並分別提供給有意創業者與未來相關研究的建議。 This was a case study of a female Chinese restaurant entrepreneur from boss’s wife to boss. The researchers explored the eighty years old female entrepreneur’s 40 years business and to analyze the different stages of process of entrepreneurship as well as her main management strategies . The methods in the study included depth-interview, observation on-site and documentary analysis to obtain the multiple information needed. The interpreting of the entrepreneurial process study concluded four main stages as the following: 1.pre-start-up stage, 2.start-up stage, 3.growth stage, 4.expanding stage. At last, the study leaded to six conclusions. There were two suggestions for entrepreneurs and further researches, too.