本研究選定國內三十所大學相關休閒學系為對象,以量化方法對其所開設之課程進行探討。首先依據歸納所得的十一項課程類別,藉由數量化理論第III類模型,,可將三十所大學相關休閒學系區分為重視「學生就業能力」、「學生專業知識」與「學系特色定位」三個主要課程結構面向。其次,採用各相關休閒學系所獲評鑑等級作為外在基準,透過數量化理論第II類模型分析得知是否開設「休閒語文類」、「遊憩法規類」、「遊憩體驗與效益類」及「休閒證照類」四項課程類別,對於評鑑等級具有相當程度之影響範疇。此外,亦可蒐集時間序列性質的課程資料,比較不同時數的課程特性。如此對於國內相關休閒學系之課程結構分析,應可得到更進一步之具體效果。 This study selects 30 related recreation departments in universities as the object and quantitative methods are applied for curricriciilum analysis. Firstly, according teg to the 11 inductive courses categories Hayasht's quantification theory III model is used to categorize the 30 departments into "employability of students", "professional knowledge of students" and "characteristics positioning of departments" as the three major course structure knowledge of students" and "characteristics positioning of departments" as the three major course structure oriented to respect. Secondly, adopting the accreditation grade level by Ministry of Education of each department dependent variable and using Hayashi's quantification theory II model we find "recreational language category", "recreational laws and regulations category", "recreational experience and benefit category" and "recreational license category" highly influence evaluation grade results. Finally, the further research is suggested to increase samples scale to extend analysis scopes. Moreover, time series course data is useful for comparison of course property in different period. The results are expected to contribute to the courses restructure for accreditation improvement.