高科技產業自詡為低污染甚至無污染的工業,但持續出現的環境衝突事件及污染問題,說明科學工業園區整體性仍存在著相當程度的環境污染問題,及個別廠商的生態思維(Chertow & Esty, 1997)與其環保政策執行上環境認知、行為意向、生產行為的落差。研究背景乃在於以產業生態學的角度,透過建構科學園區廠商生態化發展之態度與行為意向模式,驗證廠商生態化發展行為之各影響因素與行為意向之關係暨影響程度。研究模式的建構以主觀效用理論(Subjective Expected Utility Theory)為理論架構,應用結構方程模式(Structural Equations Modeling)對所假設信念結構關係進行修正與分析,以驗證假設模式與實際資料的配適情形,並將研究結果與典範理論基礎進行對照,進而歸納研究發現。研究對象以南部科學工業園區與中部科學工業園區廠商為問卷實證範圍,結果發現,各項模式配適度指標皆達到可接受水準以上,表示本研究所建構之生態化發展態度與行為意向模式對科學園區廠商未來執行生態化發展行為意向能給予適切的解釋,研究模式能有效預測廠商生態化發展行為。 High Technology Industries have always bragged and boasted of their less-pollution or even non-pollution, while constantly environmental conflict as well as pollution illustrates that environmental pollution problems relatively exist in the wholeness of Science Park. Besides, there is still wide gap between individual factory owner’s Eco-thinking and enforceable policy. The research background retraces that industries are obviously under the global drives for sustainable development and friendly environment. Based on Industrial Ecology, the study constructs eco-behavior for the Science Park, and then verifies the relationship and effect among factories’ cognition and affective intention.
Constructed on the Subjective Expected Utility Theory, the study model includes inner attitude toward the behavior, external subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, and eco-behavioral intention. The relationship among the above hypotheses are modified and analyzed by applying the Structural Equations Modeling, the real information are compared with hypotheses, the results are contrasted with modeled theory, and furthermore concluded as the followings.
The survey objects are factories in Southern and Central Taiwan Science Park, the questionnaires targets are mainly their first level managers and environmental department supervisors. Finally, the study indicates invigorating way to eco-industrial intention and proposes enhancing voluntary drive to eco-industrial thinking.