台灣的花粉商品主要以茶(Camellia sinensis)花花粉為主。本研究觀察花粉粒形態大小及分析花粉一般成份。除此之外,利用水(冷水及熱水)及酒精(50%及90%酒精)萃取得四種茶花粉萃取液(CWE; HWE; 50%EE及95%EE),分別分析萃取液中脂肪酸的差異與各脂肪酸含量。顯微鏡觀察花粉粒形狀呈正錐形體,平均邊長約40~50 μm。茶花粉一般成份分析結果發現茶花粉檢體低水活性(0.23±0.01),含豐富蛋白質(20.03±1.05%)、脂肪(6.86±0.13%)及灰分(3.04±0.04%)。四種茶花粉萃取液中棕櫚酸(272.95±7.01~2341.24±96.82μg/g)及油酸(109.79±11.68~2786.73±99.43μg/g)含量最豐富。月桂酸及肉豆蔻酸僅存於酒精萃取液中,在水萃液中並未檢出。進一步觀察發現亦含豐富必需脂肪酸。故茶花粉可做為良好日常營養補充品。 Tea (Camellia sinensis) pollen is one of the major bee-collected staple pollens marketed widely in Taiwan. The study was analysis the tea pollen pellet size and physicochemical analysis. Simultaneously, four kinds of tea pollen extract were prepared using either aqueous (cold water extract, CWE; and hot water extract, HWE) or ethanolic (50% ethanolic extracts, 50%EE; and 95% ethanolic extract, 95EE) extraction to obtain the various fatty acid content. The pollen shape indicated that the pollen grain was a solid, equilateral triangle with each side averaging 40~50 µm. The proximate analysis of tea pollen showed that the water activity is low (0.23±0.01). There also are abundant protein (20.03±1.05%), fat (6.86±0.13% ) and ash (3.04±0.04% ) in tea pollen. In four tea pollen extracts, palmitic acid (272.95 ± 7.01 to 2341.24 ± 96.82 μg/g) and oleic acid (109.79 ± 11.68 to 2786.73 ± 99.43 μg/g) was the most plentiful. Lauric acid and myristic acid were detected only in ethanolic extracts and none of aqueous extracts. Plus, the linoleic acid (72.59±4.99~1458.10±114.60μg/g) and linolenic acid (38.43±8.77~969.13±129.75μg/g) contents were high in the four pollen extracts. In conclusion, tea pollen could be a good nutritional and dietary antioxidant supplement.