每16公斤芥菜添加9%以重量計之食鹽,採用改良是乾鹽法,於室溫下分別進行10至240天的醃漬試驗。醃漬期間分咇取樣測定醃漬芥菜之色澤與硬度。由結果顯示,醃漬初期之PH及可滴定酸度變化很大,乳酸、酷酸及乙醇含量亦增加迅速,而於第50天以後則變化趨於緩和。延長醃漬問由50天至8個月,芥菜仍進行緩慢發酵及產生較高之乳酸及較低之耐酸,並使酸菜之色澤逐漸趨向黃褐及硬度下降。 Each 16kg of mutured mustard were mixed with 9% NaCl in plastic con-laincrs for prcparing mustard pickles by a modihed dry salting method. All the containers were placed indoors for natural lcrmentation at room temperature for 10 to 240 days. Brined samples were taken periodically for examining the changes of pH, acidity, color and residual sugar. The pickled vcgetables were also takcn for measuring the changes of color and hrmess. The results showed that the changes oF pH, titratable acidity and sugar were drastic, and the fermen-lation products, alcohol, acetic and lactic acids, increased rapidly both at the carly curing period. All the changes went down approximately at the 50th day. To extend the curing period lrom 50 days to 8 months a slow Fermentation still went on at the expe.nse of the residual sugar in the brine. And relatively more lactic and less acetic acids were still formed unLill the end of curing period. The pickled products gradually turned to gray yellow with a lower firmness retention after prolonged curings.