本文之目的在探討槽縫剪力牆受水平力作用之行為,先依牆體垂直槽縫數(3種) 、水平荷重型態(4種)之不同完成12個50cmX l00cm X l0cm 無邊構材鋼筋混凝土槽縫剪力牆試體之試驗。由試驗結果觀察分析其受力行為、牆體軟化吸能、及軟化後再度硬化之機構。為便於工程設計起見,本文將牆體簡化為一支懸臂單元,提出預測無邊材槽縫剪力牆受水平力作用下,牆體之開裂荷重(Pc) 、軟化前極限荷重(Pμ)、軟化後極限荷重(P'μ)、及各階段對應之層間變位角,並與無槽縫鋼筋混凝土剪力牆作耐震行為之比較。 The objective of this paper is to investigate the general behaviors of slitted R.C. shear walls under static horizontal loads. The twelve specimens, seperated into 3 groups according to the number of vertical slits, all have the same gross dimensions: 50cmX l00cm X l0cm. None of the specimens have boundary elements. Four different loading histories are assigned to each group of specimens. Experimental results reveal that the slitted R.C. shear walls experience a general softening,which is indicated by the successive closing up of the slits. Once all the slits close up, the wall,s stifness increases and then it fails Aexurally. A simplihed model, considering the wall as a cantilever,is proposed to predict the cracking load Pc, first ultimate load Pμ,second ultimated load P'μ, and the drift at Pc, Pμ and P'μ. Finally,comparisons between the seismic behavior of slitted and non-slitted R. C. shear walls are described.