Two mathemacical models developed bascd on difcrcnt conceprs co describe the entirc cycle of filtration were tested with experimental results. The concept of Model I is based on the detachment of deposited particles. The degree of detachment was assumed proportional to the hydraulic gradient and number of particlcs already retained on the filter grain. Model II is based on the conccpt that there exists a maximum limit on particle deposition on the filter grain It was found that Model I, bascd on the detachment assumption, can simulate better than Moddll does. This may be an experimental proof for the concept of detachment which is now agreed by most of the researchers. The ultimate specihc deposit was estimated experimentally for diferent filtration velocities to give a qualiative justification on the applicabiliry range of the proposed rnodels. 本文簡單的介紹兩種可描述全程過濾的數學模式,並以實驗測試之,此二種模式乃根據不同的理論假設而發展出來的。模式I的觀念乃是根據其沈降的顆粒仍可能脫離的假設,顆粒脫離( detachment)的程度假設和水力程度及沈降在濾料上的顆粒數成正比,模式II的觀念別在於假設懸浮顆粒可沈降在濾粒上的位置有其最大限值。本文發現模式I對過濾的模擬比模式Ⅱ來的好。這也許是脫離理論的一個實驗上的證明。 (脫離理論現已為絕大多數的學者所肯定)
嘉南學報 16: 頁A21-A30 轉載 Water Research 23(11) : p.1413-1421 (1989)