在實驗研究與分析過程中,將妥適調整接收儀之軟、硬體,在訊號處理與測試階段,能達到有效控制直接與反射訊號之接收,以整數周波未定數求解法則,應用於求解相位觀測量之周波未定值,藉以提昇反射點之坐標位置與高程精度。 The purpose of this project is to develop a highly integrated GPS receiver with RHCP and LHCP antennas mounted on a moving platform for receiving direct and reflected GPS signals. In order to successfully acquire and track weak reflected GPS signals from ground and water-surface, there are several designs must be analyzed. First of all, both RHCP and LHCP antennas are employed and adjusted so that direct and reflected signals can be acquired. Then, the height of antennas foot print can be solved by analyzing the carrier phase of observation. During receiving GPS direct and reflected signals, by comparing intensity of signal, modifying time delay and atmospheric delay, the position and height of the reflected point of the signal can be solved.
During the development and test stage, the receiver as well as associated software is appropriately tuned that both direct and reflected signals can be processed. An integer ambiguity resolution algorithm will be implemented in order to obtain higher accurate position of the signal reflection point.