對於台灣產金絲桃屬(福木科)植物成分之系列研究,本研究自雙花金絲桃之地上部萃取分離得到四種結晶性成分,經光譜分析鑑定其化學結構式分別為三萜類之betilinic acid,和黃酮素之quercetin,quercitrin,vincetoxicoside B。本植物以betilinic acid和quercetin衍生物為主成分,在化學分類上介於元寶草(以betilinic acid為主成分)和玉山金絲桃、短柄金絲桃(以quercetin衍生物為主成分)兩類之間。 In the series of research on the cortstituents of Hypericum (Guttiferae) grown in Taiwan, the isolation and characterization of four crystalline components from the aerial parts of Hypericum geminiflorum geminiflorum Hemsl. were described. They were identified as a triterpenoid-betulinic acid, and three flavonoids-quercetin. quercitrin, and vincetoxicoside B, on the basis of the spectroscopic evidence. The presence of betulinic acid and quercetin derivatives as the major constituents in this plant revealed that H. geminiflorum geminiflorum is the one between the two groups of H. sampsonii (betulinic acid) and H. nagasawai, H. pseudopetiolatum (quercetin derivatives) from the chemotaxonomic viewpoint.