本文之目的是建立計量模型來說明醫療需求之有關變數之間的關係,特別把醫療需求分別門診需求和住院需求,以便探討影響門診和住院需求之不同原因,作為決策者規劃醫療服務之輪廓。本文利用民國53年至78年的年資料,採用最小平方法,依據經濟理論分析探討影響醫療需求之不同原因,結果發現影響門診需求之因素為門診單位價格、保險給付及占床率,而影響住院需求之因素為就診率,住院單位價格及占床率。 The primary Purpose of this paper is to set up an econometric model that describes the reletions among variables relevant to the health care industry. The data used are annual observations from 1904 lo it,6y. IIIe result shows that the factors affect Outpatient demand are: Outpatient price, Insurance payment and occupancy rate; and the factors affect Inpatient demand are: Admission rate per thousand population, Inpatient price and Occupancy rate.