摘要: | 健康知能是指「個人獲取、詮釋及了解基本的健康資訊以及所需的的服務,以作為適當醫療決定能力程度」。健康知能不足的族群首當其衝的是老年人,其次是教育程度不足的小朋友。因此,從小養成正確的用藥認知觀念是相當重要的。本研究目的為了解中部地區國小高年級學童的用藥認知程度及其影響因素,包括學童個人背景、家庭影響因素及主要用藥資訊來源等。本研究以中部地區3所國小的高年級學童,進行問卷調查,回收有效問卷518份。研究結果發現:學童主要用藥知識來源為醫師(77.0%),其次為藥師(66.2%),醫療院所(53.7%)。整體而言,學童的用藥知識程度仍有很大的進步空間。學童看病拿藥後,僅有68.7%的學童有照醫師處方每次把藥吃完。學童年級、性別、年齡及家庭影響等四個變項,對於學童之用藥認知具有顯著差異。研究者建議專業藥師以用藥為主題,並發展出一套適合國小高年級學童藥品正確用藥之教材進行教學,使學童更了解用藥的知識,並培養對用藥的正向積極態度。 Health literacy is defined as “ the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions. Inadequate health literacy may lead to misinformation and so negatively affect the treatment and safety of the patient. This research aimed to understand the elementary school senior graders’ health literacy on medication use and the related factors in central Taiwan including those children’s backgrounds, family factor and the resources of information. A total of 518 valid questionnaires were collected. The result shows that the sources of related information about medication were mainly from doctors, pharmacists and hospitals. Generally, the students’ medication cognition was not good enough. There was a specific positive correlation between medication knowledge and satisfaction with pharmacy service. Some variables such as “grade”, “gender “, “age “, and “ family factor “ influence students’ medication cognition . Finally, the researcher suggests that pharmacists can use medication as a topic in their instruction. Pharmacists can select suitable teaching methods to teach students, so that students can have a thorough understanding of medication and a positive attitude toward medication. |